The captivating aura of tech blue.

Stable and elegant, conveying a professional impression.

Geometry and color blocks construct the spatial domain, guiding the layout of activity pathways in an artful and balanced manner. Utilizing variations in color schemes and extensive material applications brings a sense of stability, complemented by glass partitions that create an open and bright spatial sensation.

At first glance, the deep blue color forms the visual focal point, exuding a stable, rational, and professional corporate impression. Combined with appropriately proportioned wooden panels, an elegant touch emerges within the technological ambiance, subtly incorporating a humane atmosphere. Being in this space allows for a broad and comfortable mindset, ultimately conveying a sense of trustworthiness for the company.

Case Context

Location:Hsinchu City

Size:27760 square feet


Understanding the unique characteristics of the company allows the design to become a focal point in the space. 
Geometric outlines and the interplay of white and blue create a grand and imposing atmosphere.

Clever privacy design in multi-functional areas.

Companies incorporate multi-functional zones to flexibly accommodate various work activities. Apart from utilizing carpet variations to define spatial areas, clever shielding designs effectively manage line of sight interference.


A well-organized spatial layout, exceeding expectations for a comfortable environment.

The office floors boast expansive views, maintaining ample maneuvering space. The slightly elevated cubicle seating is not cramped, providing a functional and comfortable environment.




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