Entering the floating space, where the spectrum visually dances.

Diverse spatial design, showcasing a dynamic style.

Diverse design styles in the workspace complement the vibrant corporate culture. Here, the attempt is to create a fun working environment. Upon entering, one may feel like experiencing floating star trajectories, catching glimpses of hidden treasures in the office area, encountering versatile meeting rooms that can adapt to various needs, and exploring a captivating break area. Roaming through the office space is like navigating through a captivating array of ever-changing planets.

The company, through diverse, flexible, and multifunctional spatial design, showcases support for employees' work behaviors and the inclusiveness of the corporate environment.

Case Context

Location:Taipei City

Size:7659 square feet


Adding many thoughtfully customized designs to the office space, demonstrating the company's care for its employees.

Famous Game Company

Maintaining the sense of openness in the space.

Utilizing a framework system composed of metal components and panel furniture sets it apart from traditional storage furniture, providing both partitioning and decorative effects. Simultaneously extending the visual field, it allows for the continuation of the open atmosphere.

Allow for your alone time.

Understanding the needs of employees during work, acknowledging the right to personal time, and utilizing the window locations in the building wisely. The window view becomes the best therapeutic spot, creating a space where one can comfortably linger.

Famous Game Company

Creativity can be found everywhere.

Whiteboards placed between employee areas can serve as triggers for communication and collaboration. The open and unrestricted atmosphere provides employees with endless opportunities to showcase their work aesthetics.

Famous Game Company
Famous Game Company

Meetings can be rich in variety.

Who says meetings have to be strictly serious? Incorporating colorful furniture with system cabinets changes the mood of collaborative meetings and the way people speak. Offering extensive whiteboard space encourages open communication, allowing employees to feel a sense of autonomy and trust in their choices.

Famous Game Company
Famous Game Company
Famous Game Company
Famous Game Company
Famous Game Company
Famous Game Company
Famous Game Company
Famous Game Company



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