On October 20th, Aurora Group marked its 58th anniversary and conducted a ceremony symbolizing the transition into its 59th year.

The group officially entered its 59th year with the hanging of a golden egg during the celebration. In response to the future trends of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) sustainability, Aurora Group released its first "2022 Aurora ESG Sustainability Report" this year. The report unveils highlights and performance in the three dimensions of ESG, showcasing the strength in green office solutions and guiding customers towards sustainable office practices. The group also actively engages in tangible charitable actions to contribute to society and fulfill its corporate social responsibility.

Aurora Group declares 2022 as the "Aurora ESG Year." While enhancing competitiveness and pursuing operational excellence, the group emphasizes the importance of giving back to society. This year, it publicly discloses the results of its ESG initiatives and places the report on its official website to demonstrate its commitment to ESG issues.

Aurora Group Celebrates 58th Anniversary and Releases its First Sustainability Report, Leading Customers towards Sustainable Offices

The inaugural sustainability report reveals achievements in environmental performance. 

In 2022, Aurora Group planned and executed five major energy-saving initiatives, resulting in a total reduction of 206.16 metric tons of CO2 equivalent. The group continues to reduce energy consumption through process improvement, equipment optimization, and energy-saving advocacy.

In the realm of creating a happy workplace, Aurora Group prioritizes workplace equality and diversity. In talent development, in addition to physical learning opportunities, the group introduced an online digital learning platform, providing diverse training channels and learning environments. In 2022, the average training hours per employee reached 27.66 hours.

Aurora Green for Earth

Social care initiatives include providing compassionate resources, enhancing the working environment of social welfare organizations, executing "Office Supplies Donation" and "Colleague Volunteer" warm accompaniment projects. Over 800 volunteers participated, providing care to more than 10,000 vulnerable individuals. In 2022, the group initiated the "Aurora Green for Earth" project, mobilizing 260 colleagues for 5 beach-cleaning events. A total of 1,483 individuals participated, clearing 4,262 kilograms of garbage, equivalent to reducing carbon emissions by 8,780 kilograms, contributing to a better environment.

Aurora Group Celebrates 58th Anniversary and Releases its First Sustainability Report, Leading Customers towards Sustainable Offices

Looking ahead to 2024

Looking ahead to 2024, Aurora Group commits to continuing its efforts in "Customer Satisfaction, Colleague Willingness, Social Contribution, and Sustainable Operations,"aiming to create new ESG values for customers with the mission of"Making Office Life Better."



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